
If you are going to use this theme in any language other then English, you will need to translate it. The important part is that you need to translate the theme and all LSVR plugins you are using. Most of the translatable text is part of the admin area, so if you plan to translate only the front-end, there won’t be that much text to translate.

There are two general approaches to translation. You can either use a 3rd party plugin, or do it the old-fashioned way via the Poedit software. If you prefer the plugin approach, check out their respective documentations on how to do that. We will describe the manual process of translation via Poedit which I recommend over the plugin approach because it is usually much more reliable.

Before we begin, download and install Poedit to your computer.

Theme Translation

1.) Make copy of the lore.pot file from the theme’s languages folder. You can either just unzip the file (which you got from full package) on your local computer and find the .pot file there, or you can use FTP to access your WP installation and copy the .pot file from the wp-content / themes / lore / languages folder.

2.) Paste the file anywhere on your computer and rename it to lore-xx_YY.po. “xx” stands for your language code and YY for country code (for example “lore-de_DE.po” for German). Notice how the file extension changed from “.pot” to “.po”.

3.) Open your .po file in Poedit, make your changes and save the file. This will create a new file –

4.) Copy both lore-xx_YY.po and to your WP installation under wp-content / languages / themes and that’s it.

Plugins Translation

The whole process is very similar to theme translation, you just need to do it separately for each plugin. Let’s translate the LSVR Knowledge Base plugin for example (but it is the same for all LSVR plugins).

1.) Make copy of the lsvr-knowledge-base.pot file from the LSVR Knowledge Base plugin languages folder. You can either just unzip the file from the Plugins folder (which you can find in full package) on your local computer and find the .pot file there, or you can use FTP to access your WP installation and copy the .pot file from wp-content / plugins / lsvr-knowledge-base / languages folder.

2.) Paste the file anywhere on your computer and rename it to lsvr-knowledge-base-xx_YY.po. “xx” stands for your language code and YY for country code (for example “lsvr-knowledge-base-de_DE.po” for German). Notice how the file extension changed from “.pot” to “.po”.

3.) Open your .po file in Poedit, make your changes and save the file. This will create a new file –

4.) Copy both lsvr-knowledge-base-xx_YY.po and to your WP installation under wp-content / languages / plugins and that’s it.

Make sure that your site language under Settings / General is set to the correct language.

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