oasis luxury smart homes

project Portfolio

We bring your home to life with our expertly-designed smart home technology systems. See how our team can streamline your home tech to effortlessly connect every room of the house to create your own oasis at the touch of a button.

newport beach, ca

Fully Automated & Connected

This was definitely one of the most fun and detail-oriented projects we have been fortunate enough to design and implement. When we get the opportunity to work with clients this fun, provide solutions for all of our specialties – we get really excited!

newport beach, ca

Beach Home Remodel

One of our favorite parts of this project is how well it is setup for service- we are able to assist this client with solving problems before the client even knows they are happening.

Scottsdale, az

Luxury at it's Finest.

Our client wanted a wow factor with each home technology command. All lighting control and A/V & Home Theater design was thoroughly designed specific to our client’s preferences.

Let's Design Your Home Oasis Together.

For more inspo & education
follow @oasisluxurysmarthomes