Control Your Home With is a state-of-the art AI that enables you to control your smart home room to room using only your voice.
Simply say ‘Okay Josh!‘ To invoke a command. From there, you can order Josh to control essentially any part of your existing smart home system. With phrases like ‘play some rock and roll’, ‘lock the doors’, or ‘dim the lights’ Josh gives you seamless control over your home.
The more you use Josh, the smarter it gets. Unlike some other, more popularized competitors, the team behind has put an emphasis on more sophisticated technologies such as Pattern Recognition. In their words, ‘Josh learns without being intrusive or obnoxious, if you like the shades closed on a hot afternoon, Josh will take note of that preference.’ Features like this are what give the unique ability to be a truly helpful Smart-Home Ai that you will actually use.
If you would like to learn more about how you can get started with in your home please contact us or submit a form for a free consultation below.