Evaluating Training Programs: The Kirkpatrick Four Levels DVD


Dr. Don Kirkpatrick is a legend in the training field. The Kirkpatrick Model he created over 50 years ago is the most recognized and applied method of training evaluation in the world. See his final presentation in its entirety on this video.

Recorded live at the ASTD 2011 International Conference and Expo, Don shares his sage wisdom and plenty of humor. Hear the stories for which Don has become famous, and learn about the four levels along the way. And of course, “The Trainer’s Song” is also included. The video closes with Don’s final call to action for all training professionals, with him flanked by his family members in support of the message.

No training library is complete without a copy of this piece of training history.

What Don Kirkpatrick has to say about Evaluating Training Programs: The Kirkpatrick Four Levels

“Four articles on Reaction, Learning, Behavior, and Results were printed more than 50 years ago in the Journal of the American Society of Training Directors (now known as ASTD – the American Society of Training and Development). They began to attract the attention of trainers. Some called them the ‘four levels,’ while others named them the ‘Kirkpatrick Model’ for evaluating training programs.

I had not called them either one. They were based on my 1954 dissertation for my Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin and research I had conducted between 1954 and 1959.

It wasn’t until 1993 that the first book was written when a friend, Jane Holcomb, suggested it because interested trainers could not find copies of the original articles.”

Dr. Donald L. Kirkpatrick, Ph.D.

Click here to see books by the Kirkpatricks.
For a preview of this video click here.
If you wish to pay in a different way, contact us at information@kirkpatrickpartners.com or (770) 302-3500.

Dr. Don Kirkpatrick is a legend in the training field. The Kirkpatrick Model he created over 50 years ago is the most recognized and applied method of training evaluation in the world. See his final presentation in its entirety on this video.

Recorded live at the ASTD 2011 International Conference and Expo, Don shares his sage wisdom and plenty of humor. Hear the stories for which Don has become famous, and learn about the four levels along the way. And of course, “The Trainer’s Song” is also included. The video closes with Don’s final call to action for all training professionals, with him flanked by his family members in support of the message.

No training library is complete without a copy of this piece of training history.

What Don Kirkpatrick has to say about Evaluating Training Programs: The Kirkpatrick Four Levels

“Four articles on Reaction, Learning, Behavior, and Results were printed more than 50 years ago in the Journal of the American Society of Training Directors (now known as ASTD – the American Society of Training and Development). They began to attract the attention of trainers. Some called them the ‘four levels,’ while others named them the ‘Kirkpatrick Model’ for evaluating training programs.

I had not called them either one. They were based on my 1954 dissertation for my Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin and research I had conducted between 1954 and 1959.

It wasn’t until 1993 that the first book was written when a friend, Jane Holcomb, suggested it because interested trainers could not find copies of the original articles.”

Dr. Donald L. Kirkpatrick, Ph.D.

Click here to see books by the Kirkpatricks.
For a preview of this video click here.
If you wish to pay in a different way, contact us at information@kirkpatrickpartners.com or (770) 302-3500.


Jane Holcomb, Ph.D. – On-Target Training

Don Kirkpatrick set the standard in training evaluation in 1959, and ever since, dedicated training professionals have used his Four Levels model for evaluating the impact of their work.”

Additional information


Introduction (with The Trainer's Song), The Kirkpatrick Model, Call to Action


43 minutes




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