Worried About Your Future? Make Sure You Demonstrate Your Value

Given the current economic climate in which all expenditures are being carefully monitored, there is no better time to use the four levels to create, deliver, measure and validate training that has true organizational value.
It is time to be strategic business partners. Failing to do so will likely lead to our replacement by YouTube, apps, and avatars.
Listen to this Learning Experience Leader podcast episode in which Dr. Jim Kirkpatrick discusses the current training and evaluation climate and provides specific advice for learning and performance professionals, including:
- Needed clarifications and misapplied practices of the original Kirkpatrick evaluation model, along with an overview of The New World Model that builds on it
- How human nature works against our learning efforts, and what to do about it
- Key steps learning professionals can take to provide evidence of the value of their work
- Common evaluation pitfalls and how to avoid them
- Steven Covey’s opinion of the most important habit
Click here to access the recording
Jim and Wendy Kirkpatrick have been guests on many podcasts. Visit our Resources library to access all episodes.
If you need some help retooling your training and evaluation approach, get Kirkpatrick certified. Live-online programs are available worldwide.