Watch Jim Kirkpatrick’s Appearance on Emirates News

Dr. Jim Kirkpatrick recently appeared on Emirates News. While traveling in the United Arab Emirates to facilitate Kirkpatrick programs, Jim Kirkpatrick stopped in at the Emirates News studio for an interview about the Kirkpatrick Model.
Watch the full interview in which he discusses the relevance of the Kirkpatrick Model in today’s business environment and shares what he feels is the most common misconception in the training industry, as well as what he has found to be a universal need for training to prove itself.
Click here for this information from Jim that every training professional needs to hear. (Interview run time – 3:58)
Jim Kirkpatrick’s appearance on Emirates News generated other media coverage as well, given that part of the purpose of his trip was to train and certify Kirkpatrick Certified Facilitators to facilitate Kirkpatrick programs on their own.
The availability of Kirkpatrick Certified Facilitators in the U.A.E. will open doors for training professionals in that region to participate in authentic Kirkpatrick programs for the benefit of their organizations and the people they serve.
Click to read newspaper articles about Jim’s visit in English or Arabic.
Additional Resources
Kirkpatrick Four Levels® Evaluation Certification – Bronze Level