Training Strategy Mistake #3: Being Less Than Truthful with Stakeholders

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The third question relates to the scope of the training professional’s influence before and after the formal training program.
Read on to see how everyone responded to this true/false question, and to learn what this has to do with being truthful with your stakeholders.
Out of 831 respondents, 27% agree that a savvy training professional stays within the bounds of training, and allows line managers and supervisors to lead their teams before and after formal training is conducted.
We actually agree with the other 73% of you who disagreed with this statement. Concerning yourself only with the formal training program will make it difficult for your training to have the full impact that your stakeholders expect. This silo mentality may cause you to fall prey to the allure of training activity.
Instead, you should be partnering with line managers and supervisors before planning your training program to find out what types of issues they’re experiencing and what their goals really are. You can also ask stakeholders in advance what metrics they would like to see after the program so that you can create an evaluation plan that will allow you to report the right data.
Likewise, you must remain in contact with line managers and supervisors after the formal training to encourage their active participation in activities that will promote on-the-job application of what was learned among their employees.
The key to this open communication is truthfulness. When planning a program and requesting buy-in from stakeholders, line managers and supervisors, you must be honest with them about the level of effort that will be required to maximize results. This refers to effort not only from the training team and the employees who will be taking the formal training program, but also from the stakeholders. Success often will require their involvement and support, so be straightforward with them about what you need them to do and what you think the benefit will be of them committing to the endeavor. Make it clear that you are asking them to sign on to the initiative instead of just signing off on it.
Honesty is required after the formal training program, as well. If you identify any barriers to the success of the program, share your concerns with your stakeholders while there is still time to fix the problems. This will increase the likelihood that your program ultimately will be viewed as a success. In addition, your efforts to remain transparent can help to create an organizational environment in which it is safe to give honest feedback.
Join us next week as we address Training Strategy Mistake #4: Misapplying Kirkpatrick’s Level 4 Results.
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Additional Resources:
Kirkpatrick® Business Partnership Certificate Program
Bringing Business Partnership to Life
Training Strategy Mistakes: Are You Making Them?
Training Strategy Mistake #1: Failing to Build Tactical and Strategic Bridges to the Business
Training Strategy Mistake #2: Misapplying Kirkpatrick’s Level 3 Behavior