Life and Death Training: When You Cannot Afford an Error

For some of you, training truly is a life-or-death situation.
If you work in healthcare, transportation, safety, or other high-stakes environments, this one is for you. For everyone else it provides a good road map for designing a program plan for mission-critical program.
Read how NASA responded to a tragedy by designing and implementing an improved multi-faceted learning approach, and then benefited from the resulting increased levels of on-the-job performance.
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Many of us watched in disbelief as the Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds into its January 1986 flight, killing all seven crew members, including school teacher Christa McAuliffe.
The cause of the disaster was an O-ring seal that failed due to cold temperatures. Media extensively covered the accident. And many have used the Challenger disaster as a case study for discussions of workplace ethics and engineering safety.
NASA responded to the disaster with numerous initiatives, at least one of which was training related. This response included the precursor to the current Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership Knowledge Services (APPEL KS) program, which focused on a curriculum of formal classroom training related to the fundamentals of project management.
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