Jim Kirkpatrick’s ReNEWal Year Update – How is He Doing?

Well, here I am again. Time to ante up and let you know how I am doing on my goals for my ReNEWal Year initiative that I announced in January.
To be honest, I am a bit reluctant to share this, since I have not done all I set out to do. But, Kirkpatrick’s evaluation is about truth, so here goes.
I had a vivid dream two nights ago. I was sitting at a small, round table with 5 or 6 strangers. Oddly, I was at the table as my current self at 66 years old, and there was a second me at 76 years old as well. Spooky, huh?

My older self says to the group, “You know, I wish I had known 10 years ago what I know now and had taken better care of myself. Oh, well, I guess at 76 it is not too late to begin to live life to the fullest!”
My current self stood up and looked my 76-year-old self in the eye and said, “Why, 10 years ago you made the same proclamation, and we have done it. You got 10 bonus years of healthy, high-quality living and loving that you didn’t know you had!”
Awakening, it was like I had been given a vision of the future that I will now act on with more vigor and determination.
As a reminder of my ultimate desired outcomes, I want to live my best life with the years I have left with good health, spiritual strength, and positive interpersonal relationships. I will achieve that by consistently performing these critical behaviors:
- Work out at the gym 3 times a week
- Run 2 miles twice per week
- Read labels prior to purchasing food
- Reduce food portions

My support and accountability package to encourage and compel me to actually do the behaviors includes daily tracking, having accountability conversations with two friends, rewarding myself for good compliance, and denying myself the pleasure of watching a favorite TV show when I don’t. I am utilizing all of these, though somewhat sporadically.
How am I doing?
Behavior 1: I have been good at my gym workouts except for one week when I just didn’t do it. Just got out of the habit.
Behavior 2. Not so good on the running around my neighborhood.
3. I am doing well with reading labels and buying organic foods instead of those with 2 paragraphs of ingredients.
4. As far as food portions, I am much better at home and at the office than I am on the road or at restaurants.

A key part of Kirkpatrick Level 3 is monitoring progress, and adjusting the plan as required, to maximize outcomes and success. Here is what I am doing differently:
- Planning my meals and grocery list at home, rather than deciding at the grocery store
- Incorporating running into my gym routine, so I can fit it into my schedule
- I haven’t figured how to effectively control food portions when I am away from home. Can any of you help me with some ideas?
I do not lose sight of the ultimate intent of this. When I am actually 76, God willing, I will be able to say, “Wow, the past 10 years have been great. I am now on to the next 10.”
How are your resolutions going? I’d love to hear from you. If you’re brave enough to share your thoughts publicly as I have, please post a comment on the blog!
What to see Wendy Kayser Kirkpatrick’s resolutions? She has shared them here.