Do You Disappear After Training?

Kirkpatrick Quick Tip Vol. 2 #17
Training is often mistakenly viewed as the end of a journey rather than the beginning.
After training, participants have the sometimes daunting task of performing newly learned behaviors on the job. It is reassuring to them to know that they will not be left to figure it out on their own.
It is important for training participants, their managers and key stakeholders to see training professionals on “the other side of the bridge” in the work environment after training is complete. Here are some ways this can be accomplished:
• Focus groups
• Surveys
• Refresher sessions
• A help desk
• Trainers simply stopping by to see how things are going
• Trained coaches or mentors who take the lead after formal training
Every good training plan includes a strong after-program implementation strategy. Communicate this plan before and during training so participants know what to expect. Make sure that you (or designated support staff) are available to lend a hand during implementation, or simply to drive home the importance of applying what was learned.
About the authors, Dr. Jim Kirkpatrick and Wendy Kayser Kirkpatrick
Additional resources:
Transferring Learning to Behavior
Kirkpatrick Four Levels™ Evaluation Certification Program – Bronze Level