Communicating the Value of Training – Part 2

The infographic that Candee created fueled interest in the Kirkpatrick Model and its potential application to the global training programs that her company was about to plan and implement.
By putting her thoughts about the model down on paper in this visually interesting format before any implementation was attempted, rather than at the end of a program, Candee was able to influence other leaders in her company to start with the end in mind and incorporate the Kirkpatrick four levels methodology from the beginning.
In this final segment of Jim’s interview with Candee, she discusses how the infographic helped her, as a very recent Kirkpatrick Four Levels® Evaluation Certification – Bronze Level graduate, relay her thoughts about critical behaviors, drivers, and leading indicators in a way that her colleagues could understand. Candee also stresses the importance of watching, listening and pulling up a chair during and after training as part of training evaluation.
Click here for part 2 of the interview.
Candee’s path to success began with the Kirkpatrick Four Levels® Evaluation Certification – Bronze Level program. Click to learn more about the program and to see the schedule of upcoming offerings.
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Kirkpatrick Four Levels® Evaluation Certification Program
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