Banking Case Study: Real-World Level 4 Results Worth Millions
Bank A is a national commercial bank in China whose credit card business leads the entire industry both in technologies and services. However, the workforce...
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Bank A is a national commercial bank in China whose credit card business leads the entire industry both in technologies and services. However, the workforce...
READ MORE ➝Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Training Evaluation, the popular best-seller authored by Jim Kirkpatrick and Wendy Kirkpatrick was recently named to the list, “48 Books Every Aspiring Chief Learning Officer Should...
READ MORE ➝Once you have started to build a bridge with the business, you are in a position to open two-way communication and avoid one-way training requests. Instead of...
READ MORE ➝Tune in as Jim and Wendy Kirkpatrick present easy things that any training professional can do to gather training evaluation data. Receive specific tactics to use before, during and after training...
READ MORE ➝L&D professionals must utilize effective training evaluation in order to gauge the success of their initiatives. Are you unsure where to start? Listen to this...
READ MORE ➝The Kirkpatricks receive many questions about training evaluation, and how to use the Kirkpatrick Model for maximum organizational benefit. Often, concerns distill down to two distinct yet...
READ MORE ➝Does the idea of demonstrating the value of your programs strike fear in your heart? Fear not. It is achievable, and it can be done in...
READ MORE ➝Scratch-building a training evaluation program may seem a daunting task. However, training evaluation doesn’t have to be as formal as you think. In 4 steps, Jim Kirkpatrick and Wendy...
READ MORE ➝2018’s New Year Message Disrupting the status quo is never comfortable, but sometimes it’s necessary. Jim Kirkpatrick takes a good, hard look at the state...
READ MORE ➝You’re no stranger to blended learning, but what do you know about Blended Evaluation? Blended learning requires a Blended Evaluation Plan®. Click here to watch this video of Jim...
READ MORE ➝Does your current training evaluation plan look something like this: Level 1: smile sheetsLevel 2: testingLevel 3: 90-day surveyLevel 4: ?? If so, it’s time...
READ MORE ➝Just because an approach to training evaluation is common does not mean that it is good. Do you really want to throw away all the...
READ MORE ➝Whether you are new to the training industry or a seasoned veteran, get access to the newest Kirkpatrick free resources and stay current on the latest trends in training evaluation and business partnership.
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