5 Training Evaluation Mistakes That Could Threaten Your Job

Just because an approach to training evaluation is common does not mean that it is good.
Do you really want to throw away all the money and effort you’ve put into a program by making mistakes that are easy to avoid?
Don’t sacrifice the quality of your training program, and possibly even your job. Read the new article by Jim and Wendy Kirkpatrick just published in the July/August edition of Training Industry Magazine to learn the top training evaluation mistakes and how to avoid them.
You will need to log in (or create a free account if you don’t already have one) to access this article in our Resources Library. The article is entitled Top Training Evaluation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them and can be found in the “New Resources” module at the top of the page once you are logged in.
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Additional Resources
Kirkpatrick Four Levels® Evaluation Certification Program – Bronze Level
Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Training Evaluation