2020 in 20/20 – Yes! I Have Time For That

2020 in 20/20 – Yes! I Have Time For That
By Wendy Kayser Kirkpatrick
Time. It’s one of the most precious commodities we have, and seemingly, there is never enough of it. I was speaking with my mom recently and she said, “Wendy, do you realize that in the course of this conversation, you have said no less than five times that you don’t have time to do something you want to do?”
Honestly, I didn’t realize it until she pointed it out. I have been pondering her comment. Actually, I have been ruminating on her comment. As I get older, somehow time seems to accelerate, and the to-do list proliferates. So, as my speaking coach from years ago told me, if things aren’t going your way, turn around and try the other direction instead. This seems like a great opportunity to try it.
In 2020, here is what I plan to do to live my own Level 4 Results statement, which is:
To live a joyful life filled with love and meaning, making the most of the resources I have.
Here are the leading indicators:
• Moments that I experience the joy
• Strength of interpersonal relationships with family, friends, co-workers and my significant other
• Contribution to the growth and well-being of those I love
• Health
• Personal growth
In the office, we are tracking Level 3 Behaviors on a voluntary basis. Here is mine:
• Workouts in the gym (at least two per week)
• Number of times that I was not happy or calm
• Number of days that I maintain my healthy diet
I am so impressed that every member of our team is embracing public goal tracking. Progress has been impressive:
• All of us have completed biometric screening to identify health areas that can be improved.
• One employee has returned to daily running. She participated in a race, recently, and has lost 8 pounds so far.
• Another employee has resolved to get her home organized, and is dedicating at least one hour per day to actively cleaning, packing, sorting, or whatever needs to be done.
• Another employee is hopping on the exercise bike we have in the office each time her fit bit tracker tells her it’s time.
There are additional things I am tracking on a more granular level, but you get the picture. Sounds simple enough. It sounds like a fairly typical new year resolution. So I have also thought quite a bit about what would make these things happen, and how I will find the elusive time to accomplish them.
So, here is what I am NOT going to do this year:
• Replay negative events over and over again in my mind, and in each conversation I have with someone new thereafter
• Try to repeatedly change or fix things that are not going to change, instead of just looking for something more effective
• Continue relationships that are out of alignment with my health and happiness
• Nitpick things that aren’t important enough to warrant the time
• Creatively procrastinate by staying busy with little, unimportant things, instead of taking on big, important ones
A simple comment from my mom made me realize that I have enough time for the things that are truly important if I set aside things that are trivial, and more importantly, if I value my own time enough to stay mentally focused on what is most valuable to me.
If you are looking for ways to define what’s important to you, you can use the Kirkpatrick Model. Our latest book can help you to apply it. It is written from the perspective of showing the value of training, but it can be applied to any goal or initiative.
What to see Jim Kirkpatrick’s resolutions? He has shared them here.