Communicating the Value of Training

How do you communicate the value of training to your co-workers and managers so they understand it?
Here’s an example from Candee Basford, an education specialist in the training department of a large, power-generating utility company. She recently completed her Kirkpatrick bronze level certification and created an implementation plan for a new and ambitious training program in her organization.
The target of Candee’s program is to reach world-class heat performance. Heat rate is the ratio of fuel burned to power produced. Improved heat rate means greater efficiency, which promises to improve profitability, eliminate waste and reduce carbon emissions.
Candee wanted to find a clear way to show how the training program contributed to on-the-job performance, heat rate improvement, and contribution to the bottom line. She created an infographic, a popular visual chart used to present information. The infographic, like all visual art media, invites conversation when shared. This conversation is exactly what Candee wanted to start.
The infographic was successful in generating lively conversation, along with increased interest in and a more solid path to evaluation. Through this infographic, Candee essentially set her own table rather than waiting to be invited to the executive table. She also said that making the infographic deepened her understanding of and commitment to the Kirkpatrick Model.
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