
TV Installation

Moving Homes? Considering upgrading the tv’s in your house? Oasis Luxury Smart Homes can help.

Seamless Installation

Get Your Tv Mounted

Getting a new television is very exciting but one of the most important obstacles in your way of enjoying that television is installing it. Mounting your television is far superior to putting it on a stand on a console of some sort. When mounted, it can be installed in the best location for optimal viewing. But there are more advantages to that – wires will be hidden and it is generally a safer place for your television to be. And, lets face it, it just looks polished and cool.

Our Process

The strategy

  1. Location- The first thing we consider in TV installation is location. There are a lot of factors to consider such as viewing angle and sun exposure. Moreover, we also consider the connected devices and nearby power outlets.
  2. Type- You can choose between different mounting methods based on your preference. Commonly, there are two options: stable and swivel mount. Swivel mounts are necessary when one room may support a multitude of viewing angles. Through this method, the TV may be pivoted towards any angle in the room.
  3. Devices- Once the TV is mounted to the wall, we start to calibrate your other devices. This includes, media players, game consoles, smart home assistants, and remotes.
  4. Cable Management- Wires running from or around the TV can be an eyesore. Rest assured; Oasis’ stellar cable-management techniques will insure a clean, neat installation.

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